Why Start a Vacation Rental business?

  1. Keep your dream home in the family
  2. Afford to buy that cottage you’ve always wanted
  3. It’s like a B&B, only your guests make their own breakfast
  4. Pays better than long term tenants
  5. You control when to block your own holiday time
  6. Guests leave before you have a chance to realize they’d make poor tenants
  7. Pay down a mortgage faster
  8. Afford renovations
  9. In some cases, make a decent income, that is tied to inflation
  10. Retire from your day job much sooner
Man and woman vacation rental owners

So how much are property owners earning?

According to HomeAway aka VRBO in their 2014 vacation rental report, more than half (54%) of property owners cover at least 3/4 of their mortgage by renting their home to travellers. On average, HomeAway vacation rental owners are generating an average annual income of $27,260.

Some owners simply want to cover a few basic costs and may rent out one room a week here and there, where others, roughly 19%, expect to cover all of their expenses as well as profit.  If you want to learn more, simply click on their REPORT .

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